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Australia and the South Pacific
Asia and Japan
South America
Also See Astra's Astronomy Page for more links to Images On-line
Astronomy Space Art Paintings by amatuer astronomer Rich Costello
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This section is reserved for astronomers who have created their own home page or have their own space at another site. If you would like to see your site added to this list, please use Astra's Contact Page
Dawn's Personal Links - Non-Astronomy updated 08/08/13
Gatekeeper's note: This section can be expanded. It was never intended to be a complete listing, but a sample of web pages from astronomers and astronomical organizations around the world. Please feel free to email me to have your link added. Use Astra's Contact Page
South African Astronomical Observatory
Other Astronomy Clubs in Africa - from SAAO
Asia and Japan
National Astronomy Observatory of Japan
Astronomy in Japan by Steve Renshaw - Filled with Japanese astro lore!
Japan Variable Star Observer's League - VSOLJ provides access to database of observer's information
Australia and the South Pacific
Australian Astronomical Observatory
Australia Telescope National Facility - Link to CSIRO
Astronomical Society of Australia (ASA)
Australian-Anglo Observatory Home Page (Australia)
Pomono Astronomy Club - Facebook Page
South East Queensland Astronomical Society Home Page
Southern Astronomical Society - in Queensland Australia
Joint Australian Centre for Astrophysical Research in Antarctica - (JACARA)
Astronet A Cool Page
by Dutch science journalist Carl Koppeschaar
Bologna Astronomical Observatory (Italy)
Lund Observatory - Tycho Brahe
Institut de mécanique céleste et de calcul des éphémérides - IMCCE in France
The Astronomical Association Jyväskylän Sirius (Finland)
Astronomy Club of Kosova - facebook page
This organization's founder, Pranvera Hyseni has been honored with an asteroid: 45687 Pranverahyseni (2000 EK140)
South America
Smithsonian Astrophysical
AAVSO (American Association of Variable Star Observers)
ALPO (Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers)
Astronomical Society of the Pacific
IOTA (International Occulatation Timing Association)
Hawaiian Astronomical Society - Deepsky Atlas
Ohio Turnpike Astronomer's Association - Unofficial Web Page
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This page was modified on 1/12/23