Links to astronomical content presented in interesting and interactive ways, brought to us as only the internet can provide. I don't have time or space to list everything, but as usual, feel free to send a request for inclusion through Astra's contact page.
On this page: Astronomy on the Internet > Basic Info > Astro Orgs > Interactive Astronomy > Computer Programs > Remote Telescopes > Blogs > Fun
Astronomy on the Internet
Astronomy Page - at Astra's Star Gate
AstroWeb: Astronomy Resources from STScl
Home Science: Backyard Astronomy Basics
Students for the Exploration and Development of Space - SEDS
Basic Information
Astronomy for Beginners: How to Get Started in Backyard Astronomy - from A. MacRobert at Sky and Telescope
StarDate Online - MacDonald University production
Find out what's up at Sky Eye - from Obliquity
Click here to go to the Education Page at Astra's
Commercial Telescope Vendors - Just links no endorsements
Astronomical Organizations
- - LOCAL CONTACTS (Northern Ohio, USA)- -
- Cuyahoga Astronomical Association Home Page
- Ohio Turnpike Astronomer's Association
- Observing Information for Richland Astronomical Society members
- Astronomy Clubs in Ohio - Go Astronomy
- S & T's Clubs and Organizations Search for a Club in Your Area
Astronomical Organizations listed on Astra's Astronomy Page
Interactive Astronomy - Running Programs
Solar System Simulator - JPL => I love this!
Solar System - A java applet Virtual Solar System 3d animator
The Sky live - Explore the Solar System
Astronomy Tools - - from Brian Casey
JPL HORIZONS - On-line Solar System Data and Ephemeris Computation Service
Heaven's Above - Information about Satellite Passages, interactive and printable skychart, free app, and more
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From the American Astronomical Society
Try their interactive web activites: Use Solar System Explorer to travel through the solar system and their WorldWide Telescope to study the universe through telescopes.
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The US Naval Observatory (USNO)
USNO Home page and Time Service
We used to give the USNO time at the Gate, but it has been moved to the National Standards office. Check your network time to the millisecond!
In The Sky this Week - USNO's celestial almanac
The Most Celebrated Moon of the Year - Learn about the first full moon after Spring equinox.
- -Interactive Image Retrieval Pages from NASA - -
- NASA's Planetary Photo Journal
- Barbara A. Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes (MAST)
- STScI Digitized Sky Survey - Find images from Hubble Space Telescope!
Named after Senator Mikulski, longest-serving woman U.S. history, the Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes is an astronomical data archive in the optical, ultraviolet, and near-infrared wavelengths. MAST contains data from over a dozen missions like Webb, Hubble, TESS, and Kepler. In the future the Roman Space Telescope data will be stored in this database. Many people use this archive to create their own astro-images from space-based telescopes.
Astronomy Computer Programs Available !
Stellarium - a free open source planetarium
Sea and Sky's Astronomy Software - free, demos and commercial
Best 100+ Astronomy Pictures - Free Astronomy Images
Astronomy Software Servers - Hubble Legacy
Astronomy Software - Freeware, Shareware, Commercial
Dave Ransome Software Home Pages - maintained by T.S. Kelso
The Eagle has landed! - 3d Lunar landing simulator
The Eagle has landed 3d (EL3D) renders the physics and dynamics of the lunar module realistically and simulates the terrain of the lunar surface.
Remote Access Telescopes
MicroObservatory - Online Telescopes - Harvard
Global Network of Astronomical Telescopes - GNAT Home Page
Eyes on the Sky - Robotic Solar Telescope - Offering 24 live Internet Telescopes ready for real-time control and online bookings. There is a fee for joining this organization.
SETI&Home - Donate your computer time to researchers
MicroObservatory Robotic Telescope Network - control your own telescope

Astronomy Blogs
Here's an internet phenomena that grew up since this page was originally created, the weblog. So here's a few of the ones Astra found most interesting....
☸ Blog / Patreon - Emily Lakdawalla
☸ Mars 2020 Rover Blog - NASA's Perseverance page
☸ Dirty Skies - Urban Astronomy- Includes some great image processing projects
☸ Centauri Dreams by Paul Gilster - discussing peer reviewed articles
Search for more blogs on your own using Blog Search Engine
Fun Stuff!
Astronomy Picture of the Day
The 88 Constellations and Their Brightest Stars
Astronomy in Films - From Octane Seating
Linked by request, an interesting journey into the relationship between film and science

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Last updated: 4/13/23