Contributors to Astra's Stargate
Many thanks to those who have contributed to Astra's Stargate. If you have an article to contribute, an idea or suggestion, use the contact page.
Donald Baker
Binoular Observing, Astra's Stargate Facebook Page, Administrator
Robert Kihm
Image of Caracol, Maya Observatory on the Maya Astronomy Page
Maya Lunar Calendar Series
Astra's "What's Up?" Almanac
Creator and editor of the monthly "What's Up?" almanac, Ron wrote an e-mail version of the almanac for 15 years. In 2006, Astra celebrated 10 years on-line with a massive update. Ron agreed to allow his almanac to be converted to the What's Up? web almanac. For many years, Ron's almanac appeared at the Gate, but Ron was forced to retire in December of 2011. At that time, Astra began creating the text and converted the almanac into "What's Up in the Night Sky?" to differentiate it from Ron's original version. Thanks to Ron for all his support.
Contributors also provide beautiful images for the monthly almanac and other features at Astra's Stargate including:
Damien Peach- Astrophotographer
Views of the Solar System
Terry Hancock - Astrophotographer
Down Under Observatory
Stellarium Open Source Planetarium Program

Star charts for What's Up in the Night Sky are generated using Stellarium, a free open source planetarium program. Image are created by Dawn Jenkins, using Stellarium and a graphic editing program to format the image for almanac pages. Stellarium offers much more to amateur astronomers and is being used in planetariums and to guide telescopes in the field. Thank you to the makers of this fine program from Astra's Star Gate.
Maya Astronomy Page
Michiel Berger
A very long time ago, MichielB offered to host information on Maya astronomy that Astra posted to the usenet "Astrolist" on the WWW. And thus was created the Maya Astronomy Page . Truthfully, this page has been on the internet longer than Astra's! Michiel is located in the Netherlands.