Astra’s Guide to the Total Solar Eclipse
August 21, 2017
Total Solar Eclipse across the USA!
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Coast-to-Coast the August 21, 2017 solar eclipse will thrill observers across the United States of America!
What makes a total solar eclipse? A total solar eclipse occurs when the moon comes directly between the Earth and the Sun as viewed from a specific location on the surface. What makes this possible is the fact that the disk of the Moon and the Sun appear a similar size to an Earth observer. Because the Moon's orbit is offset from the Sun by 5 degrees this phenomena is only observable when both are at a node.
How to Navigate Astra's Guide to the Total Solar Eclipse Page
Explore Astra's eclipse guide using the Eclipse Pages tab at the top of the page.
The Eclipse Maps page contains maps of the total solar eclipse of August 21, 2017.
Use Where? to decide where to go to view the total solar eclipse of August 21, 2017. This page includes a description of the August 21, 2017 eclipse as it will occur in each state of the United States of America.
Use Eclipse Phenomena to learn about the sequence of events for a total solar eclipse and the exciting total solar eclipse phenomena may be observed on August 21, 2017 during totality. Observational tips are included here.
Links to the best total solar eclipse websites can be found on the Links page. It has references for the August 21, 2017 eclipse as well as eclipses in general.
Each page on the site includes an Eclipse Site Menu button for ease of movement between pages.
Use Eclipse Home to return to this page
What's up in the sky during totality?
Read Celestial Circumstances of the Total Solar Eclipse - August 21, 2017 to find out.
Share your Experiences and Dreams @ Astra's Star Gate
Astra loves collaborations with eclipse chasers, amateur astronomers, and others. Send in your links or provide information that can be incorporated into Astra's Guide to the Total Solar Eclipse August 2017. Each state has its own section and we will be happy to include your event on our site if appropriate. Use our contact page for mailing information.
- - TIA, Astra.
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