Where to View the Total Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017

Find out about the April 8, 2024 eclipse from Astra's Eclipse Guide !
The umbral path of total solar eclipse of August 21, 2017 will cross about 3000 miles of the US. The shadow of the Moon will meet planet Earth in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. First landfall comes when it hits the landmass of the United States of America. Starting at the west coast, the shadow arrives in the late morning at the Pacific state of Oregon, races across fourteen US states, and plunges into the Atlantic by the southern state of South Carolina in the early afternoon, 4 hours 5 minutes and 47 seconds later. Totality will grace many National Parks and Monuments, various state capitals and major metropolitan areas as well as inaccessible mountain peaks and deep river valleys. The August 21, 2017 total solar eclipse umbral path will cover only landmasses in the continental US.
To celebrate the greatest total solar eclipse in her home country, Astra has attempted to add some local color to reveal the diverse regions of this northern land. This is an event that Astra sincerely hopes will be seen by millions of her fellow citizens and visitors. The unbelievably beautiful and exciting moments of totality is almost guaranteed to spawn many new, young astronomers, amateur observers, and dedicated professional astronomers.
Astra does not favor one eclipsed state over another as web visitors will have their own reasons for planning to view the eclipse from their favored location. It is hoped, however, that this page may assist in making the final decision.
Eclipse events and venues in the U.S.A. are ordered basically by location, that is from west to east just as the total eclipse path will zoom through the contiguous states of the country. Note: Most browsers will open these links in an adjacent window where you will find the referred page. If you return to the tab where this page is located, you can click any other link and it should show up in the same adjacent window. A brief description of each state is followed by links to some of the major observing parties and events that are planned to celebrate the incredible circumstances of the August 21, 2017 total solar eclipse.
Jump to Selected State of the U.S.:
The total solar eclipse path begins when the shadow of the Moon passes from the Pacific Ocean to the first state to host the eclipse, Oregon, also known as the Beaver State. This state is the home of the beloved great Columbia River whose beautiful gorge is a designated National Scenic Area. The river is 2000 km long (1,243 miles) and is the largest river in the Pacific Northwest.
The eclipse rises from the Pacific Ocean where the centerline of the eclipse lands between the port cities of Lincoln City and Newport, making landfall in the small community of Lincoln Beach. The eclipse begins in Oregon at 10:16 PDT when the Sun is 39 degrees above the horizon. Totality at the centerline when the eclipse shadow makes landfall will last 1 minute and 59 seconds.
August 21, 2017 total solar eclipse meets the United State's first state capital at Salem OR, just one minute later. Salem is the first of 5 state capitals including Lincoln NE, Jefferson City MO, Nashville TN, and Columbia SC (2m 30s) that are blessed with totality. The eclipse in Salem lasts 1m 54s as the capital a bit north of the centerline.
The shadow speeds across the state from sea to eastern border covering almost 340 miles. Oregon boasts of the best weather prospects of any state along the eclipse path. Unfortunately, the millions of residents of Portland and Eugene (like everyone else not located in the umbral path) must leave their city if they want to see more than a partial eclipse. An eclipse party in the center of the state at Madras offers the best outlook for clear skies. Totality at that location lasts 2m 2s. Although totality is not visible from the majestic Mt. Hood, it could be possible to view the eclipse from Mt. Jefferson – Oregon’s second highest peak, a quiet volcano in the Cascade Range that hasn't erupted in the past 10,000 years. Another major international event is planned for Ochoco National Forest in Oregon.
Oregon Links

A viewing party on "E-Day" on the historic downtown square
Tickets are already sold out for the eclipse venue at Oregon State Park Fairgrounds (Salem, Oregon)
Lowell Observatory Solar Eclipse Experience
Madras (pop. 6000+) and South Bend Oregon (pop. 81000+)
Madras in partnership with NASA
OMSI Solar Eclipse Viewing Party
A total solar eclipse international event, August 17-23 on the Big Summit Prairie in the Ochoco National Forest.
August 21, 2017 Solar Eclipse - National Park Service
John Day Fossil Beds National Monument
Keep it simple in a small town located near John Day Fossil Beds National Monument
Oregon State 2017 Solar Eclipse
Solar Eclipse observing advice from Oregon State Parks includes camping information.
17 places to watch the 2017 solar eclipse around Oregon
A travel blog by Jamie Hale, The Oregonian - Oregon Travel News
2017 Total Solar Eclipse in Oregon - Fred Espenak's Eclipsewise
Current Weather for selected Oregon Cities - from Eclipse2017.org
Also find the community information on the weather page
Total solar eclipse over Oregon - from the Great American Eclipse site
The total solar eclipse next reaches the Gem State of Idaho, a state with snow-capped mountain ranges, rivers, lakes and steep canyons. It is the home of the National Monument known as Craters of the Moon. The eclipse path crosses the state on its wide end, south of the panhandle. It crosses over the Snake River plain where most of the population resides. It is rich in lava deposits due to the Yellowstone hotspot migration that is believed to have created the great plain.
The total eclipse path reaches the state of Idaho a bit north and west of the small city of Weiser, Idaho as totality lasts for 2m 5s. Unfortunately, the capital city of Boise is south of the eclipse path, and will not enjoy totality. Totality may be experienced for about a minute from the north end of the Craters of the Moon National Monument. The path exits the state on its eastern border with the centerline passing between Rexburg and Rigby where totality stretches to 2m 18s.
Idaho Links

Teton Valley Eclipse August 21st 2017
Advantages to viewing here include: 6,000+ ft. elevation, clear skies, low humidity, and historically low chance of cloud cover.
Butte County - Craters of the Moon National Monument
Solarscope viewing at the Visitor Center followed by NASA presentation.
Rigby’s Totally Awesome Solar Eclipse 2017
Rigby, Idaho (the birthplace of television) is expecting there may be over 100,000 visitors for the total solar eclipse
Located in the Snake River valley amid lava fields and farmlands, Rexburg and Brigham Young University-Idaho are teaming to present a lecture series as well.
Total Eclipse In Weiser, Idaho 2017
2017 Total Solar Eclipse in Idaho - Fred Espenak's Eclipsewise
Current Weather for selected Idaho Cities - from Eclipse2017.org
Also find the community information on the weather page
Total solar eclipse over Idaho - from the Great American Eclipse site
Wyoming's nickname is the Equality State or some might say, the Cowboy state. It is dry and windy and sparsely populated perhaps because of the rugged Rocky Mountains located in this quadrilaterally shaped state. Over half the lands of Wyoming are owned by federal and state governments. Here is the famous Yellowstone park and its glorious geyser, Old Faithful.
The umbral path of the total eclipse enters the state at one of the most spectacular national parks, The Grand Teton National Park where totality should last for about 2m 19s. The eclipse will pass over Jackson Hole where it can be viewed for 2m 15s. The eclipse occurs during the vacation season and accommodations go for a premium and fill up quickly. This state would be an excellent choice for observing with the Rocky Mountains providing a breath-taking backdrop.
After leaving the Tetons, the eclipse path crosses the Wind River Basin toward Casper. Casper, Wyoming is the site of the Astronomical League’s annual convention and this year will feature the total eclipse. Plenty of Wyoming cities are close to the centerline including Pavillion and Casper. Another popular location for this eclipse is the city of Glendo where the main observing field is at Thomas Memorial Airport. The eclipse path crosses about 600 km or 375 miles of the state of Wyoming.
Wyoming Links

Glendo Total Solar Eclipse
Glendo Total Solar Eclipse Facebook Page
Glendo State Park has over 40 miles of trails from the Marina to Sandy Beach.
This site features links to many of the communities in the Wind River area of Wyoming, most of these are in high and dry areas. Check out the calendar to find eclipse-themed local events.
ASTROCON 2017 - Astronomical League annual convention
The Astronomy Leagues Convention runs from August 16-19 in Casper, WY. Their Eclipse 2017 - Checklists and Certificate might be useful for members and others.
2017 Total Solar Eclipse in Wyoming - Fred Espenak's Eclipsewise
Current Weather for selected Wyoming Cities - from Eclipse2017.org
Also find the community information on the weather page
Total solar eclipse over Idaho - from the Great American Eclipse site
The Moon's shadow races into the rolling hills of the North American heartland at the western border of Nebraska where totality lasts 2 min 30 sec. Nebraska is known as the Cornhuskers State and is celebrating the sesquicentennial anniversary of statehood in 2017. The path of the August 2017 eclipse will cover 468 miles of Nebraska as the shadow crosses the width of the entire state. The eclipse path passes between 2 National Monuments: Agate Fossil Bed Monument and Scott's Bluff National Monutment where observers can enjoy 90 seconds of totality. Also the nearby city of Scottsbluff is in the path. The eclipse will begin around 10:25 am local time, when the Sun will be high in the sky.
Alliance City, Nebraska (pop. ~8,500) is Nebraska's first city near the centerline of the path of totality. It offers visitors a chance to explore Carhenge, a whimsical tribute to American automobiles that rises like an ancient monument on the western sand hills of Nebraska with sculptures made from cars and parts of cars painted gray to replicate Stonehenge. The larger city of North Platte will also be treated with a total eclipse around 90-seconds as it also lies on the south side of the eclipse path. Grand Island, Nebraska is much better placed with a full 2m 36s of totality possible.
The path blazes through the long axis of Nebraska, including the state's capital in its northern extreme. In Lincoln, Nebraska the duration pf totality can vary greatly within the city limits. The eclipse begins here around 11:37am CDT.
Nebraska Links

2017 Solar Eclipse in Alliance Nebraska
Alliance and Carhenge
The main observing location is at Five Rocks, Scotts Bluff
Get mooned in Beatrice and Gage County
Cities represented at this site include Pawnee City, Dubois, Lewiston, Steinauer, Table Rock and Burchard
Grand Island Facebook page
2017 Solar Eclipse, Hastings NE
August 21, 2017 Total Solar Eclipse
Kearney Nebraska Visitors Bureau
August 21, 2017 Solar Eclipse - National Park Service
Homestead National Monument
Eclipse Lincoln: August 21, 2017
Lincoln Convention and Visitors Bureau
2017 Total Solar Eclipse North Platte
North Platte, Nebraska
Solar Eclipse Nebraska (Ravenna)
Ravenna and Kearney Nebraska
Tryon Facebook page
2017 Total Solar Eclipse in Nebraska - Fred Espenak's Eclipsewise
Current Weather for selected Nebraska Cities - from Eclipse2017.org
Also find the community information on the weather page
Total solar eclipse over Idaho - from the Great American Eclipse site
The total solar eclipse umbral path will next reach Kansas, the Sunflower State, where it will nick the northeast corner crossing a mere 44 miles of this midwestern state. The state's namesake city, Kansas City, is interesting in that it is part of the metropolitan area of Kansas City that is located in the state of Missouri. Basically, Kansas City, Kansas is a suburb of the larger city of Kansas City, Missouri. (A little confusing, no?) The total eclipse path (70-mile wide here) southern limit is reached for this midwestern city, where a mere 23 seconds of totality should encourage local eclipse lovers to seek a more favorable location nearby.
The closest Kansas city to the center of the umbral path is most likely Troy, KS where totality will continue for 2m 37s. Other favorably placed Kansas cities include Maryville (1m 11s), Leavenworth (1m 31s) and Powhatan (2m 22s). Totality in Kansas will cover the entire Kickapoo Indian Reservation. Although the state of Iowa is not blessed with totality, Iowa Point, Kansas is on the umbral path and has been granted 1m 37s of totality.
Kansas Links

Hiawatha Kansas Visitors Bureau
Doniphan County, Kansas locations get 2 minutes and 38 seconds of totality. Find locations to observe the eclipse in Troy, KS and surrounding here.
Visit Atchison, KS where activities are planned at various locations including Amelia Earhart Airport
2017 Total Solar Eclipse in Kansas - Fred Espenak's Eclipsewise
Current Weather for selected Kansas Cities - from Eclipse2017.org
Also find the community information on the weather page
Total solar eclipse over Kansas - from the Great American Eclipse site
The total solar eclipse next reaches Missouri the Show Me state, so called due to the skeptical nature of its citizens. In MO the umbral path reaches large population centers and the totality at the western border lasts for 2m 38s. The first major Missouri city directly on the umbral path is St. Joseph, once the gateway to the west and the starting point for the Pony Express (est. 1860) that could move a letter to Sacramento, CA in just 10 days. Almost 80,000 people live in St. Joseph and an additional 100,000 or so may find themselves in this city almost in the middle of the United States of America.
The state of Missouri is fairly flat, a land shaped by glaciers and three rivers: the Missouri, Mississippi, and the Illinois. Today it is a land of highways, farms, forests, and the Ozark mountains that are touched by the southern portion of the moon's shadow. The longest river in North America is the great Missouri River that originates in the Rockies and enters Missouri forming the upper western border. It crosses through the middle of Missouri on its way to meet the wide Mississippi river somewhat north of St. Louis.
The city of Boonville is located on the Missouri river and its name recalls the American hero, Daniel Boone whose sons opened a shop at a saltlick in the region during the days of the pioneers. The eclipse begins here at 11:44am local time. Somewhat north of the centerline, the sprawling city of Columbia (pop. ~120,000) is affectionately referred to as CoMo by its inhabitants who are expecting 2m 30s of totality.
Jefferson City, the capital of the Show Me state, is also on the umbral path, although it is just a bit south of the centerline and residents will enjoy 2m 29s. This city is the best placed of the 5 U.S. state capitals from its perch on the Missouri River and its proximity to the centerline of the umbral shadow.
The eastern border of Missouri is formed by the Mississippi river where the famous city of St. Louis is located. With its majestic arch, St. Louis will be split by the eclipse and only those who leave town or keep to the south side have a chance to experience totality. Further south, the city of De Soto (6400+ pop.) is better placed and should experience 2m 40s of totality. This area of the country is rife with large and small breweries and the U.S.A. itself is the world's largest producer of beer in the world. The last MO city near the centerline, close to the great Mississippi River is Perrysville (pop.~8200), located near the Tower Rock Nature area.
Missouri Links

Public observing is planned at Rosecrans Memorial Airport in St. Joseph, Missouri.
Total Solar Eclipse / 150 years festival - Lathop, MO
The city is celebrating 150 years with a total solar eclipse
Total Solar Eclipse Festival - Boonville, MO
Where will you be when MO goes dark?
To prepare to be moonstruck in Marshall, MO check this site for the best local observing.
Solar Eclipse Showdown - De Soto, MO
Total Solar Eclipse Festival - Boonville, MO
CoMo Eclipse - Show Me Totality
The Columbia, MO viewing event will be at Cosmo Park. Why not put in an RSVP on their FB page is you plan to attend?
Solar Eclipse // August 21, 2017 - Perryville, MO
2017 Eclipse at Missouri State Parks
A whopping 42 state parks are touched by totality as shown in this state website covering all eclipse events.
10 reasons Missouri should make August 21, 2017, a state holiday - Astronomy Blog
The author Michael Bakich, a writer for Astronomy Magazine will be in St. Joseph for the eclipse. He is the author of an eclipse book, Your Guide to the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse
2017 Total Solar Eclipse in Missouri - Fred Espenak's Eclipsewise
Current Weather for selected Nebraska Cities - from Eclipse2017.org
You can find the community info from this page
Total solar eclipse over Idaho - from the Great American Eclipse site
The total solar eclipse next reaches the state of Illinois where totality begins at 1:18 local time (CDT). Illinois is called the "Prairie State" or "Land of Lincoln." The latter nickname commemorates the 16th President of the United States. Although he was born in Kentucky, as a boy his family moved west, settling finally in Illinois. Abraham Lincoln as a young lawyer was elected to the Illinois House of Representatives where he began the political career that landed him in the White House during a turbulent time in American history. Lincoln's home town of Springfield is not on the path of totality nor is the windy city of Chicago.
The umbral path hits Illinois in the southern end of the state. The first city near the centerline at the bank of the great Mississippi is Chester, IL (45 miles S. of St. louis) where the eclipse should endure for 2m 40 seconds. In the land of Lincoln, the short umbral path is marked by 5 crossings of the Mississippi river. Soon the shadow will reach Cardondale, IL (pop ~23,400) at the crossroads of two U.S. total solar eclipses, one in 2017 and another in 2024. Totality at Carbondale lasts 2m 37s, just a few seconds shy of greatest duration. The August 21, 2017 total solar eclipse Greatest Duration occurs at Latitude 37.58° N, Longitude 89.11° W south of the city.
Although most eclipse forecasters prefer states to the west of Illinois, local eclipse lovers may be able to catch the 2024 eclipse from this state as well. It is a very rare occurrence, indeed, that a location on Earth should be treated to totality during 2 eclipse events only 7 years apart. To find out more, check out Eclipse2017.org and NationalEclipse.com both have articles on the overlap in Illinois. Other sites also discuss this event.
Illinois is the August 2017 home to the Greatest Eclipse that is defined as the moment when the axis of the Moon's shadow passes closest to the center of Earth. Whereas the moment of Greatest Duration is that location where the seconds of totality are the longest. For any eclipse, the length of totality is very close between those two locations, with the longest duration typically a tenth of a second longer. Obviously, both points must be directly on the umbral path's centerline.
* * *Notice for Amateur Radio Operators* * *
A special event station is being held by Amateur radio operators from southern Illinois, SE Missouri, NW Kentucky and SW Indiana. The station will be operated from 0001hrs August 17 through 2359hrs August 21, 2017. The special events station, W9E. All licensed amateur operators traveling to the area are welcome to attend the event and operate. Repeater frequencies to be published on the w9ry.com/w9e website. Find out more at W9RY Southern Illinois Amateur Radio Page
73 W9E - from Astra aka KC8SQN
Illinois Links

View The Total Solar Eclipse On The Mighty Mississippi
Home of the famous Popeye the Sailor. Don't miss the statues throughout the city of Chester IL.
University of IL and City of Goreville
Watch with the University of Illinois Astronomers, also a great eclipse education resource.
Southern Illinois University (SIU Carbondale) NASA Eclipse 2017 and the Adler Planetarium of Chicago partner on this event
Makanda, IL (pop 500+) is also in the umbral path for the 2024 eclipse
2017 Total Solar Eclipse in Illinois - Fred Espenak's Eclipsewise
Current Weather for selected Illinois Cities - from Eclipse2017.org
You can find the community info from this page
Total solar eclipse over Illinois - from the Great American Eclipse site
After a short jaunt through Illinois, the total solar eclipse umbral shadow passes through the Shawee National Forest and crosses the Ohio river to reach the Bluegrass State, Kentucky. Just south of the centralline the umbral path will encounter Paducah, KY. Crowds of people are sure to gather on the riverfront of this city of 24,000 located on the Ohio and the Tennessee Rivers. This is a city that has won Astra's heart as they have painted over 50 murals covering various subjects including native Americans, river barges and steamboats and local labor unions. Kentucky is also home to a famous horse race, the Kentucky Derby, however, the capital Louisville where the race is held is not on the umbral path.
The umbral shadow cuts a 71-mile wide swath across the western side of Kentucky, where it travels about 100km or 60 miles. The shadow darkens the city of Princeton (6,000 pop.) for 160 seconds. Although the path is short, the state of Kentucky is blessed with the August 21, 2017 total solar eclipse station of Greatest Duration at Latitude 36.97° N, Longitude 87.67° W; just northwest of Hopkinsville (pop. 32,000) where the eclipse maximum of 2m 40s of totality occurs. This will happen at 1:24pm local time. (CDT)By now some of the locals think the name of the town is being changed to Eclipseville. The land that is travelled by the eclipse is fairly flat, a continuation of the flat central plain of the country, sometimes referred to as the Mississippi plateau.
BTW, if you are in Kentucky don't miss Kelly's “Little Green Men” Days festival, the annual celebration in Kelly, KY. Forget Area 51, the locals in this town have their own E.T.s. - - Astra
The shadow departs the state shortly after Hopkinsville, but a number of small cities including Russelville (2m 28s), and Franklin (2m 26s) Bowling Green (48s), all in the north umbral centerline will enjoy totality. If E.T.s are not your thing, Kentucky boasts of seven major caves. There are a number of caves in the eastern portion of the United States that are in the umbral path including the huge Mammoth Cave that is near Bowling Green.
Kentucky Links

Paducah, KY has a lovely award-winning quilt to highlight their events
Hopkinsville, KY is small enough to make sure you feel at home
Come to the Dark Side - Western Kentucky University in Bowling Green -
This website also features a good eclipse drawing demonstrating the correct scale for Sun, Earth and Moon.
Follow the Trail to Totality - Dawson Springs Kentucky
Observing at Orchard Dale historical farm, campsites available
Viewing party at the Drive-In and Dinner Party at local distillery
A Monumental Solar Eclipse Festival - Fairview near Hopkinsville
Jefferson Davis State Historic Site
Princeton 360 Eclipse - Princeton, KY
The site gets its name by adding 160 seconds of totality to the 200 years in the bicentennial of Princeton.
Three-day festival at a local farm in Cerulean, KY
2017 Total Solar Eclipse in Kentucky - Fred Espenak's Eclipsewise
Current Weather for selected Kentucky Cities - from Eclipse2017.org
You can find the community info from this page
Total solar eclipse over Kentucky - from the Great American Eclipse site
The total solar eclipse next reaches Tennessee, nicknamed the Volunteer State because of the state's participation in the Battle of New Orleans during the War of 1812. The umbral path contacts the narrow length of the state, but does so at a healthy angle, blessing 188 miles of Tennessee cities, including the state capital of Nashville. The first major city the umbral path encounters is Clarksville, a large city that approaches 150,000 in population. There may be an additional 200,000 people in Tennessee's fifth largest city on August 21.
The city of Gallatin, Portland, White House, and others in Sumner county, north of the centerline will enjoy over 2-1/2 minutes of totality. With a population in excess of 650,000, Nashville, TN is by far the largest city along the eclipse path that will be completely darkened during the eclipse. Although it is not on the centerline, it still receives 1m 57s of darkness. Nashville itself is nicknamed the Music City and is home to the Country Music Hall of Fame.
Murfreesboro (pop. 120,000)is another large city just south of Nashville on the south side of the centerline with 55s of totality. Madisonville, TN is a little better placed and folks in this community will have 2m 38s of totality. On its route toward the Tennesee river, the eclipse will encounter Dayton (pop~7400) the site of the famous Scopes Trial (evolution) where totality lasts 2m 21s.
When leaving Tennessee, the umbral path rises into the cloudy Blue Ridge mountains where it finds the chance of cloud cover greater than any other region of the country. At the same time, the eclipse will miss the large city of Chattanooga. With a population of 170,000+, eclipse day will surely be a day to get out of town early. Sweetwater is somewhat north of Chattanooga and totality there lasts 2m 37s. High atop the Great Smoky mountains, the eclipse path departs the state of Tennessee.
Tennessee Links

Total American Eclipse: August 21, 2017
Austin Peay State University, in Clarksville, TN
Solar Eclipse 2017 in Sumner County
Castalian Springs, Cottontown, Gallatin, Goodlettsville, Portland & Whitehouse
Travel Southeast Tennessee provides a guide to eclipse viewing in the region.
Polk County Eclipse Page
Great Tennessee Eclipse - August 21, 2017
Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU) is in Murfreesboro, TN
Gallatin TN Eclipse Encounter - Grand American Adventures
You might also like Gallatin's FB page
2017 Total Solar Eclipse in Tennessee - Fred Espenak's Eclipsewise
Current Weather for selected STATENAME Cities - from Eclipse2017.org
You can find the community info from this page
Total solar eclipse over Tennessee - from the Great American Eclipse site
The total solar eclipse umbral path next reaches Georgia, the Peach State. Only a small portion in the northern limit of the state will be blessed with totality and residents here would be best off to move to a little bit better location, further north. Most of the locations in the upper limit of this state are south of the centerline.
The northernmost county of Georgia is Rabun, it has the reputation as the rainiest county in Georgia. As for most locations along the eclipse track, native american peoples lived here long before white settlers displaced them. The Rabun county area was heavily populated by Cherokees. As an American citizen, Astra is unable to present local color without mentioning the long suffering original natives of this diverse land. Most of the areas in the current U.S.A from the plains to the east coast of the country were inhabited by mound building cultures who left their mark on the landscape although some had vanished or metamorphosed into other cultures before the early old world invaders arrived. Many places in the U.S. are currently being carefully studied and preserved. Unfortunately many, many more sites were destroyed. There is no way to repay the debt that is owed to the native American people. From coast to coast, this land originally belonged to those tribes. Many place names like Iowa, Mississippi, Tennessee, Connecticut, and Ohio are mute testimony to the endurance of the culture. The United State of America system of government was originally based on the concepts developed by the Iroquois Confederacy. Perhaps you will see some of the telltale words in the names of US places like "mound" or "circle". If you do, why not check it out?
The umbral path only travels only 12.5 miles through the Peach State.

Georgia Links
Blairsville Eclipse Experience
This site gives infomation for various local eclipse observing parties.
This page covers events in Clayton Dillard, Rabun Gap, Sky Valley & Tallulah Falls and many locations are already sold out.
2017 Total Solar Eclipse in Georgia - Fred Espenak's Eclipsewise
Current Weather for selected Georgia Cities - from Eclipse2017.org
You can find the community info from this page
Total solar eclipse over Georgia - from the Great American Eclipse site
North Carolina
While slighting the southern state of Georgia, the total solar eclipse rises up into the Blue Ridge Mountains into the far western portion of North Carolina, Tar Heel State. This name is thought to originate from North Carolina's role as a producer of valuable products derived from the sap or tar from local pine forests. The Appalachian mountains here are also known as the Smoky Mountains or Smokies, not because they are prone to wild fires, but because the natural fog that often hangs over them appears as large smoke plumes from a distance. This fog is caused by the vegetation in the hardwood forest exhaling organic compounds that make it easy for vapors to form in the air. The Great Smoky Mountain National Park stretches between that states of Tennessee and North Carolina. Greatest elevation is Clingmans Dome at 6,643 feet.
South of the Great Smoky Mountains, the Nantahala National Forest is better placed on the umbral path. As expected, Nantahala is a Cherokee word meaning "land of the noon day sun". Presumably because sun only reaches to the valley floor at midday in the Nantahala Gorge. If it's clear, we might expect to see 2m 36s of totality here.
High mountains in this state could afford a grand view if there is a overlook site that allows a clear view of the land below. Unfortunately, the eclipse path crosses only 42 miles of North Carolina and cloudiness may be an issue.
North Carolina Links

Covers Jackson County Events in Cashiers, Dillsboro & Sylva
2017 Solar Eclipse - National Park Service
Details for those who wish to see the eclipse despite of that hazy vapor in the sky and trees. There are restrictions on camping and photography that should be obeyed.
The Great American Eclipse Celebration! - Andrews, NC
Fb event page
See the Total Solar Eclipse in North Carolina - Ashville, NC
Although Ashville, NC is not on the umbral path, it is a popular vacation spot and they have created a page for observing the eclipse in North Carolina. They also provide star gazing and astronomy opportunities
2017 Total Solar Eclipse in North Carolina - Fred Espenak's Eclipsewise
Current Weather for selected North Carolina Cities - from Eclipse2017.org
You can find the community info from this page
Total solar eclipse over North Carolina - from the Great American Eclipse site
South Carolina
The total solar eclipse next reaches South Carolina nicknamed the Palmetto State, referring to the state tree - - sabal palmetto. This tree is depicted on the quarter dedicated to the state of South Carolina as well as the state flag. In South Carolina the umbral path reaches the Piedmont plateau after crossing the entire length of the United States, this is the last state on the umbral path. The eclipse will cover 252 miles In South Carolina from the piedmont plateau to the Atlantic Ocean. South Carolina is the prime location to observe the eclipse East of the Appalachian mountains. It is accessible to a very large population of Americans living in the region.
The state capital Columbia (2m 30s/pop. 134,000) is the largest city in the state. Located in the middle of the state, it is somewhat north of the centerline but can boast that the duration of totality is the longest of the state's major cities. The state warns that the roads are expected to be packed on the day of the eclipse. Weather predictions for South Carolina seem to favor the coastal areas.
The cities of Greenville (2m 10s/pop. 61,000) and Anderson (2m 34s) straddle the centerline. The city of Laurens (pop ~9200) should experience 2m 30s of totality. The Sumter Forest is at the north of the centerline in the middle of the state. South of the forest, the city of Newberry (pop 10,200) will receive 2m 32s of totality. The historic city of Charleston (popluation similar to Columbia) is located on the south side of the umbral path and will receive 1m 39s of darkness at mid-day.
The August 21, 2017 total solar eclipse's tour of the United States of America is over. Finally, the centerline or path of totality arrives at the Francis Marion National Forest where the last stage of the eclipse ends at 4:10pm local time (EDT). There is no other landmass on the this eclipse route, once the path hits the Atlantic coast at Bulls Bay, the umbral path of totality reaches no other shore. How many boats on the ocean that day? The eclipse finally ends in the middle of the Atlantic, just as it started in the middle of the Pacific. Newly converted American eclipse chasers will have to wait until 2024 for the fantastic event of totality to visit their country again. Long live the umbraphiles!
South Carolina Links

Anderson County Total Solar Eclipse Viewing Party
Solar Eclipse Central 2017 - Upstate, SC - Greenville, SC
Total Solar Eclipse Capital of the East Coast
More events than you could possibly attend over the weekend
Eclipse extravaganza at Roper Mountain Science Center
Eclipse2017 on the Boardwalk- Harleyville, SC Fb page
Eclipse Day at Beidler Forest - Audubon event in Harleyville, SC
Totality in Charleston, SC begins at 2:48pm local time
2017 Total Solar Eclipse in South Carolina - Fred Espenak's Eclipsewise
Current Weather for selected South Carolina Cities - from Eclipse2017.org
You can find the community info from this page
Total solar eclipse over South Carolina - from the Great American Eclipse site
Other U.S. States
With 14 states on the path of totality, that leaves another 36 without a chance to experience darkness during the day.
How many states does the total eclipse touch? 2017 Eclipse Blog
Total Eclipse Narrowly Misses Iowa- in 2017
"It's going to be a nation-wide block party," - Steve Kawaler, Iowa State University
Des Moines Astronomical Society Info PDF- helpful information 1-pager document
Eclipse over Cleveland
Alas, Astra's home state of Ohio is in the area of partial eclipse this time around when the Moon totally blocks the light from the Sun. Stay-at-home observers will need pinhole cameras! For the other states feature, Astra has downloaded an animated gif from the British Nautical Office to see how the total solar eclipse will appear in the closest major city, Cleveland, Ohio. The image to the right shows how the partial eclipse will appear at 18h 20m UT (about 1:20 pm local time EDT.) When other states are enjoying totality, we still have to hope that the sky is clear over Cleveland because that will mean other locations are enjoying darkness in the afternoon.
Solar Eclipses in the period 1501 CE to 2100 CE - HM Nautical Almanac Office. Astra thanks the Queen humbly and profusely! Use this site to find your own city for this and any other eclipse you'll ever need to track.
Local activities in the Cleveland area are open for those who can't make it to the path of totality. You may want to join Starry Trails editor Suzie Dills at Bleser Park in Avon Lake.
Other Cleveland Area Eclipse Events
Solar Eclipse
The Cleveland Museum of Natural History is hosting an event at 1 pm at Wade Oval in University Circle if the sky is clear. The site has great information on local circumstances and how to observe the eclipse.
Edgewater Eclipse Watch
The Cuyahoga Astronomical Association, in cooperation with Cleveland Metroparks, will host an event at Edgewater Parkfrom 12:30 to 4:00. Free and open to the public, no reservations required. In case of rain, the event will be canceled.
Simon Perkins Stone Mansion
Summit County Historical Society invites the public to view the eclipse and experience how the astronomical phenomenon affects flocks of sheep. They are presenting "Pulling the Wool Over Their Eyes," a special viewing of the partial solar eclipse.
NASA Glenn Announces Plans for Solar Eclipse Events
NASA Glenn Research Center in Cleveland is hosting 3 events. Press release link above.
5 places to see this summer's total solar eclipse, within a day's drive of Cleveland (photos) - - article published on May 19, 2017 at cleveland.com, website of the local newspaper. It covers 5 great locations to see the August 21 eclipse and has good information on the local activities.
Other Helpful Where Links
When & Where to See the Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017
Information from the American Astronomical Society
Where is the best place to see the 2017 eclipse?
- 10 picks from the Great American Eclipse
The American Eclipse Traffic Jam??? - American Eclipse USA
Jay Ryan, thoughts on an unprecedented total solar eclipse
Sky and Telescope Market Place
Classified ads for 2017 Solar Eclipse Venues presented by S&T
Solar Eclipse – Route 66 - Grand American Adventures
A commercial eclipse tour down Route 66 with an interesting itinerary that highlights many vacation attractions. Eclipse day = Springfield, IL
The Path through the United States - Eclipse 2017. org
Description of the path through the U.S.A. and what you will see when you are in it.
Cities on the Path of Totality - City List
Also from Eclipse 2017. org use this to find your home town.
The 2017 Solar Eclipse: Why It's Important and Where to See It Best - Where Traveler article

Share your Experiences and Dreams @ Astra's Star Gate
Astra loves collaborations with eclipse chasers, amateur astronomers, and others. Send in your links or provide information that can be incorporated into Astra's Guide to the Total Solar Eclipse August 2017. Each state has its own section and we will be happy to include your event on our site if appropriate. Use our contact page for mailing information.
- - TIA, Astra.
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