[ Astronomy ] [ Space ] [ Star Wimin ] [ NE Asteroids ] [ Ancient Astronomy ] [ Observers]
Lunar Missions
Launch planned for February 26
Lunar landing March 2
NASA SphereX mission launching February 28
Spectro-Photometer for the History of the Universe
Updated Monthly
Topic this month:
Astronomy in 2025
Preview of What's Up this Year
Links to the Astra's subpages pages in astronomy. Also includes professional and amateur organizations, publications, telescopes, satellite observatories, and more. For observation help, use the observer's page.
Three Faces of Mars- Mars Home @ Astras
For info on the latest oppositions of Mars-- Mars Oppositions page
Education - STEM links for Teachers and Students
Spectroscopy - Light exposes the secrets of the Universe
Young Astronomer - Astronomy page for geared for Kids. Have fun while learning!
Astronomy on the Internet - online tools
- Page Topics for Astra's Astronomy Page -
Astra's Almanac Feature!
Find out What's Up!
Enter the Exciting world of space exploration and development. History and current activities can all be found here. Active and upcoming Space missions, Launch Facilites, Space Agencies, Commercial Space development, Organizations, Journals, and more.
International Space Station - Human presence in Space
Find out what it's like to fly to the
International Space Station on Crew Dragon (YouTube Video)-
What about it? channel
Lunar Exploration - Current Activities, Artemis, History, and Apollo
Mars Exploration - and - Curiosity Rover - or - Perseverance Rover
SpaceX and Starship - Get the latest Starship update here
Starship Prototype Testing Page - Full accounts of Starship Test Flights
Astra's Dear Moon application
See the full index for SpaceX content at Astra's
Space Visionaries - Early Pioneers
- Page Topics for Astra's Space Page -
Astra's STARWIMIN page
How much do you know about women in Astronomy and Science? Find links to many women in science and astronomy. How can you find sites of interest for young women astronomers? Find out here at Astra's!
Astra's Women's Biographies
Astra's Short list of Off-line Women's Biographies
What has been Named for a Woman?
- Page Topics for Astra's Star Wimin Page -
Women in Astronomy and Science
Near Earth asteroids may be friends or foes. These pages discuss asteroids, Earth defense, detection, and astronomical observations. How do you report an NEA if you spot one?
Near Earth Asteroids - Information about our celestial neighborhood
NEA Detection and Planetary Defense
Astra's Guide to Asteroid Exploration Missions
What did the ancient astronomers see in the night sky? Also find constellation information on this page.
What is archeoastronomy?>
The Maya Lunar Series, article by R. Kihm
You may also want to read Astra's lecture on The Maya Astronomy Page.
- Page Topics for Astra's Ancient Astronomy Page -
Tribute to Linda Schele - 1942 – 1998
Astra's OBSERVERS page
If you are new to astronomy then this page is for you. The observer's section organizes observational astronomy and materials that may aid even those who've been long-term star gazers. Observing solar system objects, deep sky objects, and information for astronomy clubs.
Astra's Observing Challenge - An observing program for Amatuers
Mars Oppositions page
Astra's Guide to Commercial Vendors
Binoculars - Information and Observing
Dawn's Tips for observing Jupiter
Aperture Fever - Amateur Telescope Making
Astra’s Eclipse Guide - New !
Astra's August 2017 Eclipse Guide - Total Solar Eclipse!
Comets! - and Astra's Comet Article
"What's Up in the Night Sky?" - Astra's monthly almanac! Find out what's up in the sky this month features articles of astronomical interest.
- Page Topics for Astra's Observer's Page -
Online Planetariums and Downloads
Observing Solar System Objects
Never miss an astronomical event again! Astra publishes a night sky almanac every month that gives the latest information on astronomical events.
#AstrasStargate #ImaRocketFan
- - Check out the StarBoard to learn about Contributors at Astra's Stargate